​We are located in the Community Health Center of Buffalo at 34 Benwood Ave, Buffalo, NY 14214, and are open on FRIDAYS from 5pm-8pm. WALK-INS are welcome but appointments are preferred - please call (716) 222-0805 to schedule an appointment or with any questions! Walk-in appointments are not guaranteed. Visits are prioritized by appointments. Walk-ins will be prioritized by acute visits first and may expect to wait a while to be seen by a provider.
Please note: We do not provide sign-off for controlled substance refills, Physician's Orders for Personal Care, SNAP documentation, or pre-operative physical examinations. Please see the Services tab below for a comprehensive list of available services.
Reproductive and Gynecological Health
We have complied helpful information regarding reproductive and gynecological health in this section of the website . Feel free to scroll through or click on any of the menu options below to visit the section of your interest!
Women's Health Initiative
The Women's Health Initiative is intended to provide anyone with information regarding women's health, and clinics that are available in the community.
We can assist you with making your appointments, securing transportation through Medicaid, if applicable, providing resources for food assistance, and more!
Abortion rights and resources
The Supreme Court released a decision on overturning Roe vs. Wade, leaving the question of abortion’s legality to the states. This decision eliminates the constitutional right to abortion, and anti-abortion laws will take effect across roughly half the country.
New York State is one of the states where abortion is likely to remain protected. Many states have passed laws that explicitly protect the right to abortion, with several adding those protections this year in anticipation of the Supreme Court’s decision.
Eliminating the right to abortion will disproportionately affect marginalized people in America. According to the most recent CDC data, black females have the highest rates of abortions followed by Hispanic women. Black and brown communities have historically experienced inequities in access to quality healthcare and reproductive health information. Not only is the overturning of Roe v Wade unsafe, it is discriminatory.
Limiting access to abortions is a threat to women’s health. Carrying out a pregnancy comes with inherent health risks to the mother. Furthermore, unintended pregnancies are associated with poor maternal and infant health outcomes. These pregnancy-related health risks are heightened in black and brown communities in America. Black and Hispanic women are more likely than white women to experience health complications during pregnancy and childbirth, according to Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. A 2020 report from the CDC also found that Black women died of maternal causes at nearly three times the rate of white women. With the amount of health risks that come with carrying out a pregnancy, it is clear that abortion is an essential aspect of women’s healthcare.
People should be able to freely make decisions about their bodies regardless of the state they live in or their socioeconomic status. We have compiled resources you can look to if you want to help others, or if you need help yourself.
Planned Parenthood ( https://www.plannedparenthood.org)
Offers in-person and telehealth appointments for wide range of services including:
birth control
pregnancy-termination options
Participates in the Medicaid Family Planning Benefit Program, which is a confidential New York State Medicaid program that provides family planning benefits and pregnancy termination options.
You can still visit Planned Parenthood without insurance. Financial Counselors will help you get public or private insurance or financial help for the services Planned Parenthood offers.
Online Support
Where to get abortion pills online: Plan C pills PlanCPills.org/guide
Medical questions for self-managing miscarriages/abortions: miscarriage and abortion hotline: MAHotline.org
Legal questions: Repro Legal Helpline reprolegalhelpline.org
Emotional support during medication abortion: Reprocare reprocare.com
Emotional support after your abortion: Exhale ProVoice exhaleprovoice.org, Connect & Breathe connectandbreathe.org
Help with practical support (transportation, childcare): Apiary Collective apiarycollective.org/pso-list
Financial assistance hotline and referral line: National Abortion Federation: prochoice.org 1-800-772-9100 or 1-877-257-0012
How this decision affects women
PrEP/HIV counseling
At Lighthouse, we offer a stigma-free environment for PrEP/HIV counseling and referrals for anyone who is interested ! We compiled resources on PrEP from Evergreen Health NY. Click here to visit their website to learn more!
PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a prescription medication that reduces your chances of getting HIV from sex or injection drug use. When taken as prescribed, PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV.
PrEP is for HIV negative individuals who want to take control of their health and reduce their risk of becoming HIV positive. PrEP is recommended for people who:
have sex with multiple and/or anonymous partners
have sex regularly or sometimes without a condom
are not sure of their sex partners’ HIV status
have recently been diagnosed with an STI/STD
use injection and/or mood altering drugs such as methamphetamine, cocaine or ecstasy
Insurance plans in New York State include coverage for PrEP. We can assist you with insurance provider navigation. Most people who see an Evergreen provider and use the Evergreen pharmacy pay $0 out of pocket.
Contraception App
The United States Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use, 2016 (US MEC) includes recommendations for using specific contraceptive methods by women and men who have certain characteristics or medical conditions.
The app includes recommendations for individuals with
cystic fibrosis
multiple sclerosis
dyslipidemias (lipid disorders)
migraine headaches
sexually transmitted disease
postpartum women
women who are breastfeeding
individuals who are using antiretroviral therapy
Click here to visit the CDC website for more information!